In late 2021 I read a post about how to stave off photographers block by planning to take a picture once a month of a subject. Could be a building, a location, a car and we settled on a tree at Ashely near a place we go for coffee. It is in the middle of farmers fields, that we found during lockdown (it did have its good points) and is quite remote. Its is a 25 minute walk from my house and they serve might fine coffee at Into the Wild cafe, what more of an excuse do we need to visit once a month?
Starting off this project was easy, we’d go for a winters day walk, take the camera, grab a coffee then take a picture of the tree. I paced out how far passed the tree I needed to be and marched those all important 29 paces, and set my focal length to 35mm, the same for every shot, and took the picture. Next month we did the same again, simples, what could go wrong! Then in March, the end of the month was nearing, the weather had been poor and we hadn’t taken the shot. Panic set in, sleepless nights ensued and we ended up dashing out on the last weekend of the month just to grab this damn shot. From then on we knew we were hooked as this was quite the rush to get the shot and be settled. Did we then decide to get the shot taken early for the rest of the months??? Did we heck!!!